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Collection “Belarusian folklore: materials and traditions”

Issuer: RUP “Vydavetsky house “Belaruskaya Navuka””, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

ISSN 2411-2763 (druk)

ISSN: 2790-3559 (online)

Galowny editor: Tatstsyan Valodzina, Doctor of Philalagic Sciences, scientist, enigma of the folklore and culture of the Slavic peoples of the Center for the Study of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Issued since 2014. Issued once a year, in Belarusian language.

Chasopisu website

The collection “Belarusian folklore: materials and traditions” is the first edition published, highlighting folklore texts and traditional spiritual culture of Belarus. A number of urgent tasks are the comprehensive study of folk culture: traditional and practical folklore, musical art, mythology, abrad practices, and their contemporary forms.

The collection was compiled by the leading educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus – the Centers for the Study of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Yes, there are direct articles and materials in the following headings: “Days that follow”, “Belarusian folklore-ethnic linguistic atlas”, “Belarusian folklore in historical documents”, “Handwritten folklore spade us”, “The materials and origins of the scorching descendants”, “Belarusian folklore among ", "Views and Reviews", "Anniversaries".

The collection contains other unique records from the Archive of Addition of Falk Art and Culture of Slavic Peoples of the Center for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Important months of advedzena materialized expedity in different regions of the Belarusian ethnic group, in the same region beyond the borders of the country. Other views and reviews of new publications on Belarusian folklore, chronicles of conferences on folklore and traditional folk culture, interviews with well-known researchers.

Divided into falklarists, ethnographers, movavedians, local scientists, and all those who have a history of national degeneracy.

Articles prahodzyats double blind retsenzavanne.

Issued by the Peralik issued by the Higher Attestation Commission of Belarus.

Patrabavanni and texts

Yes, there are direct aryginal data and materials in all Slavic, Lithuanian, German and English languages. Publication is very popular in the Belarusian language. The text is printed ў edited ў electronic appearance on electronic addresses There are other ways. Transmitting handwritten articles, reviews, etc. Editorial collections, and we guarantee that they have not been published or approved for publication and have not been published (as published in 20%).

The ab'yom of the article (text, bibliography, keywords (ad 5 and 10), abstract in Russian language, summary in English language) does not exceed 40 stars, typed at 1.5 intervals, kegel 12.

Article pavinen mets offensive structure:

  • Index of the Universal Tenth Classification (UDC);
  • Name and nickname of the autara (autara);
  • item name
  • According to the current regulations, the work is carried out
  • keywords - a set of layers that are customized instead of text in terms of subject, language and metadata; The recommended number of keywords is 5-10.

Asnovny text of the article pavinen folded 40 thousand characters. The material was laid out in a structured manner: conclusions, goals and tasks, metads, conclusions, conclusions. In this article, the recommendations are heated or briefly looking at the latest developments in the world on the stated topics.

Below is a list of extracted doors to the kiryl alphabets. List of pharmacists and advocates work of the Highest Attestation Committee of the Republic of Belarus. The quoted literature contains agul lists in the alphabetic parade, rescue links and texts give a pavodl example: [Nikiforovsky 1895, 23]; Rescue links for unpublished works are not allowed.

Anatatsya (autar summary) ab'yom 150-250 layers pavinna short prastaulatsya vynіkі pratsy i byt understand, at the same time and in hell asnoўnaga text of the article; pavinna byts infarmatyўnay, good strukturavanay (adzіn s variyantavў piіsannya anatatsii - short paўtarenny structure of the article, which includes ўvodzіny, metі і tasks, metadіd, іnіkі, іnkіzhenne і snovov).

Then we present a list of quoted krynits in the Raman alphabet (“References”) with the following structures: autars (transliterations), names of the articles in transliterated Varyans [translation of the names of the articles into English language in square arms], names and krynitsy (translation) [translation of the name of krynytsy into English mov], weekend dadzenya with assignments in English mov (year, volume, issue, numar, chastka (kali ests), numary staronak “hell - yes”); not indicated in the language of the article, kali yana was not published in the English language (for example, in Russian); The DOI of the article (formerly current) or the address of access to the advertisement of the DOI, if the article is posted on the Internet and with closed access.

Translation of Russian names is useful BSI standard.

Transliteration of Belarusian names:

Patterns of farmhouse krynyts


Vałodzina T. Cieła čałavieka: słova, mif, rytuał [Human Body: Words, Myth, Ritual] / T. Vałodzina. – Minsk: Technałohija, 2009. – 431 p. [in Belarusian]

Articles in collections:

Sedakova, OA Materialy k opisaniyu polesskogo pogrebal'nogo obryada [Data for description of Polesye funeral rite] / OA Sedakova // Polesskij etnolingvisticheskij sbornik : Materialy i issledovaniya [Polesye ethnolinguistic collection : data and researches] / ed. NI Tolstoj. – M. : Nauka, 1983. – P. 246–262. [in English]

Articles in watch lists:

Vasiučenka, P. Pra cmoka, jaho postać, dzikasć, paliavannie na jaho dy pra inšaje [About the dragon, its figure, savagery, hunting for it and more] / P. Vasiučenka // Maladosć [Youth]. – 2014. – No. 4. – P. 128–130. [in Belarusian] 

Electronic publications:

Kleyn, L. Akademik Rybakov i partiynaya liniya [Electronic resource] / L. Kleyn // Troitskiy variant – nauka [Trinity Option – Science]. – Access mode: – Date of access: 03/01/2011. [in English]

Kali daily information and financing, I will give it in the Belarusian language in the form of a rescue link with the name of the article.

At the end of the article, the name and nickname of the article, the name of the article, keywords, extensive anatasy in Russian and English language, and the tax electronic address of the article and the date of receipt of the article and the editorial office.

Black-and-white and pink little ones set up the text of the article (Word), and the data looks like special files in the pharmaceutical tif (600 ppi). The files are displayed in the same way as the file (tif, jpg, png, eps).

All the scarred pages were deciphered and added to special lists at the end of the article.


Articles are reviewed. Reviewers (adzin - external, others - from the side of the editorial board or the editorial board) select the editor's stories based on the members of the editorial board. The initial factors of the reviewer's choice indicate that they are highly qualified and competent in the field in which they are reviewed. Recenzavanne adbyvaetsa for three months, taking care of my hand.

The review of the article for the hour is not due.

In the review atsenvaetstsa:

  • navzna yessledchaga torture;
  • paўnata empirychnaga materiyalu;
  • Valodanna avtaram indispensable theoretical and metadalagic cantexts;
  • the level of argumentation of the prepared arguments is highest;
  • The logic of the past year's publication and its follow-up.

In the future, the review will be carried out in order to publish the article and publications, send the author to the newspaper or Adhilitsa, directly to the editors in consultation with the members of the editorial board. Administrative reviews abavyazkova adsylayutstsa autaram. Review articles are published anonymously (without the name of the reviewer). To correct any deficiencies identified in the review, the author will spend an hour working with the editors.

Reviews are requested from the editors for 3 years.

Autarskiya is right

The authors obtain the author's rights to work and provide the collection with the rights of first publication of the article under a license. Creative Commons Attribution License; This means that any republication article is valid only with a link to the first publication in the collection “Belarusian folklore: materials and discoveries.”

Authors may have the right to conclude special contractual agreements with a completely non-exclusive version of the work published here (for example, in another publication), with a link to my original publication ў collection.


Names and email addresses will be removed for information assigned to these collections of scientific articles, and will not be retrieved for any other information or distributed to other individuals and organizations. yam.

At the end of the recent publication, a collection of materials from recent issues will be available to the elderly

Financial affairs

Translation and publication fees are not included.

Belarusian folklore: material and history: zb. navuk. etc. / gal. ed. T. Valodzina. – Minsk: Belarus. Navuka, 2024. – Vol. eleven. – 357 p.


Collection of soft sections: “Last Vannas”, “Looks”, “Handwritten Slaughter”, “Materials and Issues of Pavel Dasledovannies”, “From Kalektsy Folklore Records”, “Anniversaries”, “Reviews”. The theoretical block is advedzen to the current efforts to learn folk tales and gumara, poetry and song creativity, and the following various aspects of abradnass, sacred geography, and a special emphasis is placed on the problems of identity. Other early records of Belarusian folk Cossacks, jumping Cossacks.

Padryhtavany within the boundaries of the forged theme “Belarusian folklore in the European prastor: ethnic markers, dialectical science, contemporary interpretations”, No. 20210782 ad 04/16/2021 Dzyarzhauna educational programs nya "City and humanitarian care of the Belarusian Dzyarzhava" for 2021–2025, navuk. kiraunik A. I. Lakotka.

The collection is divided into falklarists, ethnologists, movaznauts, mastatstvazna, krayizna, and taxa ўsіkh, who is a nationalist.

Belarusian folklore: material and history: zb. navuk. etc. / gal. ed. T. Valodzina. – Minsk: Belarus. Navuka, 2023. – Vol. 10. – 369 p.


Collection of soft sections: “Days that followed”, “From the hand of the fallen”, “The materials and results of the past”, “From the Kalektsy folklore records”, “Specialties”. Theatrical block advedzena to the current tortures of folkloric practice in the sunny minds, followed by small folklore genres, various aspects of abradnance, sacred geography, and a special emphasis is placed on the tortures of identity and parallels of white aruskaga materyyalu with neighbors. Other early records by V. Badziansk and A. Serzhputovsk, as well as the sheets of Mikita Talstoga from Palestine expeditions.

Padryhtavany within the boundaries of the forged theme “Belarusian folklore in the European prastor: ethnic markers, dialectical science, contemporary interpretations”, No. 20210782 ad 04/16/2021 Dzyarzhauna educational programs nya "City and humanitarian care of the Belarusian Dzyarzhava" for 2021–2025, navuk. kiraunik A. I. Lakotka.

The collection is divided into falklarists, ethnologists, movaznauts, mastatstvazna, krayizna, and taxa ўsіkh, who is a nationalist.

Belarusian folklore: material and history: zb. navuk. etc. / gal. ed. T. Valodzina. – Minsk: Belarus. Navuka, 2022. – Vol. 9. – 409 p.


Collection of soft sections: “Daysledavans”, “Belarusian folkloric-ethnic atlas”, “Belarusian folklore in foreign publications”, “Handwritten folklore spudchyna”, “Materials and origins of the Dawns ў", "In memoriam". The theoretical block is advedzen to the actual torture of folkloric practice in the sunny minds, and the following various aspects of abradnass, anthrapology of life, sacred tapagraphy and others. There is a wide range of folkloric records of Belarus from various, near-by, archives, and a large number of other early records of A. Serzhputousk.

The collection is divided into falklarists, ethnologists, movaznauts, mastatstvazna, krayizna, and taxa ўsіkh, who is a nationalist.

Belarusian folklore: material and history: zb. navuk. etc. / gal. ed. T. Valodzina. – Minsk: Belarus. Navuka, 2021. – Vol. 8. – 384 p.


Collection of soft sections: “Daysledavans”, “Belarusian folklore in historical documents”, “Hand-written folklore spudchyna”, “Materials and results of past dawns”, “From Kalektsy folklore records”, “Falklore” Belarusian border”, “Anniversaries”. The theoretical block advedzeny to the attempts of the design of traditions in the current forms of folk art and Masawa culture, examines the special attempts of deciphering the Belarusian ornament. There is a wide range of Belarusian folklore records from various and neighboring archives.

The collection is divided into falklarists, ethnologists, movaznauts, mastatstvazna, krayizna, and taxa ўsіkh, who is a nationalist.

Belarusian folklore: material and history: zb. navuk. etc. / gal. ed. T. Valodzina. – Minsk: Belarus. Navuka, 2020. – Vol. 7. – 439 p.


Collection of soft sections: “Daysledavans”, “Belarusian folkloric-ethnic atlas”, “Handwritten folklore spudchyna”, “Materials and results of falconry of the Dawns”, “Belarusian folklore abroad”, “Retsen” zii". Tearetychny block advedzeny Balta-Slavic dasledavannyam. In the rubric “Belarusian folklore-ethnallinguistic atlas” the cartographic project has the Shrovetide abras with a block and the right of the godless, which is going on. The folklore records of Belarus, Vilenschyna and Latgale are widely available.

The collection is divided into falklarists, ethnologists, movaznauts, krayiznas, and all those who collect folk wisdom.

Belarusian folklore: material and history: zb. navuk. etc. / gal. ed. T. Valodzina. – Minsk: Belarus. Navuka, 2019. – Vol. 6. – 391 p.


Collection of soft sections: “Distances of History”, “Belarusian Folklore-Ethnic Atlas”, “Kalektsy Folklore Records”, “Materials and Results of History of History”, “Belarusian Folklore Internationally”, “Reviews” ii", "Personalities". The theoretical block of advedzena is based on the folkloric aspects of the work of Jan Barščevská, as well as the demonstrative pashyrene material and metadalagic field of the current Belarusian folklore. In the rubric “Belarusian folklore-ethnallinguistic atlas” the cartographic project has a right-handed mermaid. We publish materials from the archives of the add-on folklore and culture of the Slavic peoples of the Center for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, and current records. Special sections are dedicated to the memory of the important Uladzimir Ragovic, Ales Zaika, and Anatoly Yemyalyanav.

The collection is divided into falklarists, ethnologists, movaznauts, krayiznas, and all those who collect folk wisdom.

Belarusian folklore: material and history: zb. navuk. etc. / gal. ed. T. Valodzina. – Minsk: Belarus. Navuka, 2018. – Vol. 5. – 392 p.


Collection of soft sections: “Days of History”, “Belarusian folklore-ethnic atlas”, “Belarusian folklore in related publications and archives”, “Kalektsy folklore records”, “Materials and findings scorching dates", "Belarusian folklore around the world", "Recents" , "Anniversaries". Tearetychny block of advedzeny to music scholars and researchers of folk prose. The rubric “Belarusian folklore-ethnic linguistic atlas” has a block of material in the cartographic project, which is an advisable element associated with vokalakami. We publish records from the archive of the Addel of Falk culture and culture of the Slavic peoples of the Center for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, daily records from private collections, and Unique records of the Cossacks from the archives of Vilna and Kiev.
The collection is divided into falklarists, ethnographers, movavedians, regional scientists, and all those who know the national history.

Belarusian folklore: materials and traditions: collection of scientific traditions / National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Center for the Study of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature, Branch “Institute of Culture, Ethnography and Folklore named after Kandrat Krapiva”; [redcal. : T.V. Valodzina (Gal. ed.) and others]. – Issue 4. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2017. – 387, [4] p. : ill.


Collection of soft sections: “Daysledavans”, “Belarusian folklore-ethnic-linguistic atlas”, “Belarusian folklore in foreign publications”, “Kalektsyi folklore records”, “Materials of the scorching expeditions”, “Belarusian folklore” ў between", "Recents", "Chronicle" . The theoretical block advedzeny peradusіm ethnologies, which in their traces of traditional culture would not exist without falklaristic material and metadata. The rubric “Belarusian folklore-ethnic-linguistic atlas” has a block of legends illuminated in flames for months.

Published unique records from the archive of the add-on folklore and culture of the Slavic peoples of the Center for the Study of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (records of folklore of Belarus і; Belarusian Belastoczyna), and materials from the archives of the Literary Museum in Tartu, current records from private archives . The folklore of Belarus is rich among others.

The collection is divided into falklarists, ethnographers, movavedians, regional scientists, and all those who know the national history.

Belarusian folklore. materials and data. Issue 3. \ edited by T. V. Laptsenak - Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2016


Collection of soft sections: “Days of History”, “Belarusian folklore-ethnic linguistic atlas”, “Kalektsy folklore records”, “Materials of scorching expeditions”, “Belarusian folklore between countries”, “Reviews”, “Anniversary” i". The following is dedicated to the analysis of the Belarusian complex in its external and internal relations. The rubric “Belarusian folkloric-ethnic-linguistic atlas” looks at the appearance of both the popular and the undesirable mythical characters – the mermaid, and the most popular marmot. Published unique records from the archive of the Addel of Falk culture and culture of the Slavic peoples of the Center for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (records of Y. Drazdovich, S. Arava), and also daily scribbled records from private archives. The folklore of Belarus is rich among others. The collection is divided into falklarists, ethnographers, movavedians, regional scientists, and all those who know the national history.

Belarusian folklore. Materials and data. Collection of scientific works. – Vol. 2. – Minsk: Bel. Navuka, 2015. – 463 p.


Collection of soft sections: “Days of History”, “Belarusian folklore-ethnic linguistic atlas”, “Kalektsy folklore records”, “Materials of scorching expeditions”, “Belarusian folklore between countries”, “Reviews”, “Anniversary” i". The collection is divided into falklarists, ethnographers, movavedians, regional scientists, and all those who know the national history.

Belarusian folklore: materials and traditions. Zbor. navuk. prats. Vol. 1/gal. ed. Valodzina T. – Minsk: Belarus. Navuka, 2014. – 463 p.


Collection of soft sections: “Distancers of History”, “Belarusian folklore-ethnic linguistic atlas”, “Belarusian folklore in foreign publications”, “Folkloric collections”, “From expeditionary records”, “Belarusian folklore ў between”, “Reviews”, “Our anniversaries” . Published unique records from the archive of the add-on of folklore and culture of the Slavic peoples of the Center for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The following demanstruates the basic elements of the Belarusian folk art, presents new steps and learns and embraces the traditional light of the spiritual culture of Belarus. Divided into falklarists, ethnographers, movavedians, local scientists, and all those who have a history of national degeneracy.
