Duktova Lyubov Georgievna
Senior Researcher, Department of Belarusian Literature of the 20th and 21st Centuries
Institute of Literary Studies named after Yanka Kupala,
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
Born in 1976 in the village of Kolos, Bykhovsky district, Mogilev region. Graduated from Mogilev State University named after A. A. Kuleshov (1998), Belarusian State University (2015).
She graduated from graduate school at Moscow State University named after A. A. Kuleshov (2003), doctoral studies at the Yanka Kupala Institute of Literary Studies branch of the Center for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2023).
In October 2005, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Mastatskaya animalistics and Belarusian literature of another era of the twentieth century” (supervisor – Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Belsky A.I.).
In 1998–2000 – teacher of the Belarusian language and literature, secondary school No. 17, secondary school No. 4, Mogilev. In 2000–2015 – senior lecturer, associate professor of the department of Belarusian literature, associate professor, head of the department of journalism at Moscow State University named after A. A. Kuleshov.
In 2016–2017 – head of the literary and dramatic part of the Mogilev Regional Puppet Theater. In 2017–2018 – Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel of the State Committee for Forensic Expertise of the Republic of Belarus.
2019–2023 – Senior Researcher of the Department of Socio-Economic Analysis, Head of the Department of Special Search and Analytical Research of the Economic Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus.
Since 2023 – senior researcher at the department of Belarusian literature of the 20th and 21st centuries. branch “Institute of Literary Studies named after Yanka Kupala” of the Center for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (2023).
Leader and executor of the task “Archetypes and topases of the daily literature of Belarus” of the grant of the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Basic Research (Nauka-M) (2003–2005, no. 20032433), performer of the task “Mentality and cultural backgrounds of Belarus in the work of Yakub Kolas” of the state program of fundamental research (“Belarusian language and literature”) (2006–2010, no. 20065193), assignment “Belarusian literary literature: historical and theoretical aspects of its learning and presentation” of the state scientific research program “History, culture, citizenship, dzyarzhava” (2011–2013, no. 20112344), performer on the topic “Belarusian literature of the 20th–21st centuries. in the system of national culture: diversity of scientific research and prospects for the development of the world's information science" (No. 20211282 dated 14.05.2021) task 6.2.10 “Mastery literature of the Belarusian people during the New Year” of the subprogram “Belarusian language and literature” of the state scientific research program for 2021–2025. “City and humanitarian relief of the Belarusian Dziarzhava” and others.
Sphere of scientific interests – Belarusian literature of the 20th and 21st centuries, cultural codes in fiction, marketing communications.
- Duktava L. G. Mastatskaya animalistics in the Belarusian literature of another period of the twentieth century / L. G. Duktava. – Magilyo: MDU named after A. A. Kulyashov, 2009. – 184 p.
- “Zhytstvo vokal such vikhurnae...” // Shamyakin I.P. The collection is creative. U 23 t. T. 7. Apovestsi, 1996-1998. Minsk. 2011. pp.421–454.
Section in the textbook
- Vasil Zuyonak // Belarusian literary literature. Minsk: Higher School, 2008. pp. 606–627.
- Duktava, L.G. Cultural codes in master's works: basic steps and classifications / L.G. Ductava // News of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Gray humanitarian sciences. 2023. T.68. No. 1. pp. 44–52.
- Duktava, L.G. Masters of national cultural codes in the Belarusian Epas / L.G. Ductava // News of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Grays of humanities. 2023. T. 68, no. 4. pp. 333–340.
- Duktava, L.G. Cultural code as padmurak and understanding of national images in jumping writing / L.G. Duktava // Native words. 2023. No. 8. pp. 33–37.
- Duktava, L.G. Extracted animalistic code from the adjudicated Charnobyl disaster in the Belarusian Epas and the Lira Epas of the 1990s / L.G. Duktava // Polymya. No. 9. pp. 107–112.
- Duktava, L.G. The animalistic code of the Belarusian master svyadomastsi / L.G. Ductava // Belarusian Duma. 2023. No. 8. pp. 97–104.
- Duktova, L.G. Appeal to the concept of “cultural code” in Russian-Belarusian humanitarian discourse / L.G. Duktova // Bulletin of Slavic cultures. 2023. T. 70. pp. 97–108.
- Duktava, L.G. The cultural code of the Belarusian Mastatskaya Svyadomastsi is amorphous / L.G. Duktava // Bulletin of Polotsk State University. Series A.2023. No. 3(68). pp. 90–95.
- Duktava, L.G. Basic steps and reasonable understanding of the “cultural code” in literary and cultural science / L.G. Duktava // Bulletin of BarSU. Series: Pedagogical sciences. Psychological Sciences. Philological sciences (literary criticism). 2023. No. 2 (14). pp. 122–128.
- Duktava, L.G. Exhausted cultural codes in the field of industrialization in the raman “Zubrevitskaya Saga” by Y. Sipakova / L.G. Duktava // Vesti BDPU. 2023. No. 4 P. 146–149:
- Duktava, L.G. Representation of national cultural codes in K. Tsvirka’s raman “Wood rash” / L.G. Duktava // Journal of the Belarusian State University. Philology. 2023. No. 3. pp. 21–27.
- Duktova, L.G. Representation of cultural meanings when using national cultural codes in fiction / L.G. Duktova // Litera. 2023. No. 12. pp. 361–371.
- Duktava, L.G. Representation of national cultural codes in apovests I. Shamyakina 1990's / L.G. Duktova // News of Gomel State University named after F. Skaryna. Humanitarian sciences. 2024. No. 1. P. 58–62.