Current problems of modern Slavism: hour, space, information technologies: zb. navuk. art. / National acad. Sciences of Belarus, Center for Research. Belarus. culture, language and literature, Institute of Movaznastva named after Yakub Kolas; editorial staff: V. P. Rusak, V. A. Mandzik. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 341 p.
ISBN 978-985-08-3017-3.
The collected articles in the collection provide complex information about the fundamental principles, developments, problems of current and ancient Belarusian language, metadalagic jokes in the galina of Slavic philology .
Intended for linguists, literary scholars and all those who know history and the current states of the Slavic my dialects, their role and the months of my people and cultures of the world.
Aleksyaevich, G. V. Usable and Western Slavic Monuments of the XIV–XVII centuries. / G. V. Aleksyaevich; navuk. ed. M. P. Antropau. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 281 p.
ISBN 978-985-08-3041-8.
The managrafiya has the following problem: the original and Western Slavic language contacts, the Czech language has been transferred to the Old Belarusian, Old Ukrainian and Old Russian languages. Based on this historical analysis, it was established that there were more than 180 typical Czech and Czech-Polish practices in the original non-Slavic languages of the 14th–17th centuries. Their practice is inspired by the extensive Czech literary and written traditions of other Western Slavic peoples in the 14th–16th centuries. The Polish language often played the role of a mediator, just as the original non-Slavic language used Czech words. Since then, there have been direct paths to the development of bagemism, from the Old Belarusian and Old Ukrainian language.
Addressed to Slavists, etymologists, language historians and specialists on inter-Slavic relations.
Arabic, Persian and Turkish manuscripts in state repositories of Belarus = Arabic, Persian and Turkish manuscripts in foreign book collections of Belarus: catalog / comp.: L. I. Stankevich, M. V. Tarelko; scientific ed.: D. E. Sevruk, I. A. Synkova. – Minsk: Belaruskaya Navuka, 2023. – 181 p.: ill.
ISBN 978-985-08-3006-7.
The catalog contains a description of all currently known Arabic, Persian and Turkish manuscripts stored in the National Library of Belarus, the Gomel Regional Universal Library, the Grodno State Museum of the History of Religion, and the Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The total number of manuscripts is 38 storage units, which date from the 14th to the beginning of the 20th centuries.
Addressed to specialists in oriental languages (Arabists, Iranianists, Turkologists), orientalists-historians and everyone involved in the study and problems of preserving the handwritten heritage of the Muslim East.
Архитектурное наследие И. Г. Лангбарда и современность: сборник докладов международной научной конференции, посвященной 140-летию со дня рождения И. Г. Лангбарда (Минск, 6 октября 2022 г.) / сост.: А. С. Шамрук, И. И. Балуненко. – Минск : Ковчег, 2023. – 188 с. : ил.
Проблемное поле статей, вошедших в сборник, охватывает широкий круг вопросов, связанных с творческой биографией и архитектурным наследием И. Г. Лангбарда, с сохранением и модернизацией памятников архитектуры и градостроительных ансамблей ХХ века, особенностями художественно-стилевой картины архитектуры прошедшего столетия.
Bakhanovich, N. L. Mastatskiy image of Fatherland in the literature of Belarus in the 19th century / N. L. Bakhanovich, M. P. Varabey, A. V. Trafimchyk; navuk. ed. I. V. Saverchanka; National acad. Sciences of Belarus, Center for Research. Belarus. culture, language and literature, international literature named after Yanka Kupala. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 245 p.
ISBN 978-985-08-2980-1.
The manograph examines the implementation of the image of Fatherland in the creative work of the 19th century. On the pages of the text, it is intended to highlight the patriarchal ideas of the writers, which come from the territory of Belarus. We analyze the artistic basis, the historical background and the text, the genres and themes of the creative work of Uladzislav Syrakomli, Jan Barszczeuska, Wojslav Sawicz-Zablotsk, Adam Ploeg, Arthur Bartels and others.
Addressed to literary scholars, historians, archivists, humanities students, and to a wide range of readers.
Belarusian literature of the 20th–21st centuries: global recipes and self-presentation / Z. U. Drazdova [int.]; navuk. ed. A. A. Mankevich; National acad. Sciences of Belarus, Center for Research. Belarus. culture, language and literature, international literature named after Y. Kupala. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 413 p.
ISBN 978-985-08-2956-6.
The problem of the general recipe and presentation of originality follows from the evidence of advanced historical literature on the work of Belarusian writers, poets and playwrights. We look at the recipes of Belarusian literary classics from the 20th century in Italy. The practice and origin of the rich tradition of national literature, a greater depth of revelation of the essence of the problems under consideration, the role of the scientific community, the significance and month of the decline of Belarusian writers in the nation national and everyday literature on a new level.
Managraphy will be developed by scientific and educational institutions from the dissemination of courses and special seminars on the history of Belarusian literature of the 20th century, as well as by a wide range of readings, in particular, Tsikavitsa is a native literary writer.
Belarusian literature at the current stage: autor, hero, chitach: zb. navuk. art.: yes 85-godja z days naraj. acad. U. V. Gnilamedava / NAS of Belarus, Center for Research. Belarus. culture, language and literature, Institute of Literature and Science named after Yanka Kupala; way of life K. V. Chasnakova; navuk. ed. M. U. Mikulich. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 288 p., [7] l. il.
ISBN 978-985-08-3072-2.
The collection of scientific articles is compiled from the publications of the International Scientific Conference “Belarusian Literature at the Current Stage: Autor, Hero, Reader (yes, 85 years ago, Academician U.V. Gnilamedav)”, which was published on 21 –22 snowfalls 2022 near Center from the study of Belarusian culture, language and literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. In practice, there is a problem-thematic place and a master-shaped parade of the current Belarusian literary process, revealing its growing tendencies and primordial principles. Artistic creations look at the sacred design and design and aesthetic place, form, pattern and style. The analysis of many works is influenced by the scientific influences of academician U. V. Gnilamedav as literary scholars and writers, as well as framed creativity.
Issued to literary scholars, VNU graduates and students, mentors and librarians, anyone interested in national literary works.
Belarusian ethnography, ethnology and anthralogy: collection. navuk. art. / style A. U. Gurko; National acad. Sciences of Belarus, Center for Research. Belarus. cultures, languages and years. – Minsk: Belarus. Navuka, 2023. – Vol. 2. – 349 p.
Другі выпуск навуковага перыядычнага выдання прысвечаны актуальным пытанням этнаграфіі, этналогіі і антрапалогіі. У зборніку прадстаўлены пытанні гісторыі этнаграфічных і этналагічных даследаванняў у Беларусі; праблемы матэрыяльнай, духоўнай і сацыяльнай культуры насельніцтва Беларусі і беларускай дыяспары; асаблівасці абрадавай культуры насельніцтва Беларусі і іншых краін, этнаканфесійныя працэсы і культура этнічных супольнасцей на тэрыторыі Беларусі. Асобныя рубрыкі прысвечаны разгляду пытанняў памежных дысцыплін – этнасацыялогіі, этнаэкалогіі і фізічнай антрапалогіі. Таксама змешчаны артыкулы, прысвечаныя юбілеям навукоўцаў. Разлічаны на этнографаў, этнолагаў, антраполагаў, гісторыкаў, краязнаўцаў, выкладчыкаў, аспірантаў, магістрантаў, студэнтаў.
Быкаў, Васіль. Творы / Васіль Быкаў ; навуковы рэд. І. В. Саверчанка [уклад., камент. М. А. Курыпка]. — Мінск : Мастацкая літаратура, 2023. — 652, [3] с. — (Залатая калекцыя беларускай літаратуры : у 50 т. / Інстытут літаратуразнаўства імя Я. Купалы Нацыянальнай акадэміі навук Беларусі ; рэдкал.: І. В. Саверчанка [і інш.] ; т. 27).
ISBN 978-985-02-2060-8.
У 27-ы том серыі «Залатая калекцыя беларускай літаратуры» ўвайшлі самыя знакамітыя аповесці народнага пісьменніка Беларусі Васіля Быкава (1924-2003) «Жураўліны крык», «Альпійская балада», «Сотнікаў», «Пайсці і не вярнуцца» і «У тумане», якія даўно сталі класікай беларускай літаратуры.
Vaina is a tragedy and a memory of the people.I tell the stories of the fathers: zb. dialect. text / National acad. Sciences of Belarus, Center for Research. Belarus. culture, language and literature, Yakub Kolas Institute of Movascience; styling: V. M. Kurtsova, L. P. Kuntsevich, T. M. Trukhan; navuk. ed. V. M. Kurtsova. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 519 p.
ISBN 978-985-08-.
The book includes both original materials and materials that have been discussed in various iconic publications in the Belarusian dialectology. The texts are absolutely the records of the various fields that were worked from the Seredzina in the beginning of the 20th century, and also in the beginning of the 21st century. All the yans are thematically adnasty: they recognize the fall of the Vyalikay Aichynna war. This history-ўspamіny ў stories of living memories of the minulaga, which sennya became a non-fictional historical memory of the right one.
Issued to the wide circle of linguists, and to the following histories, mentors, foreigners, and to everyone who was born in the history of their land, the forests of people who were growers of roses nykh padzey, prishli prazy zhizhkіya zhytstsevyya vyravannі.
Valodzina, T. V. Nyametskaya left deputies: groups, mats, Belarusian parallels / T. V. Valodzina. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 344 p.
ISBN 978-985-08-3025-8.
The prince presents a look at the pattern of the German ceremonial tradition in its main thematic and figurative designs. Following the German verbal-magical practices, we will provide insight into the depths of every aspect and the development of history and the development of special intersecting plots, mating, and whiteness. Russians Contemporary studies reveal the quota of foreign-European deputies in Belarusian deputies. Behind the short texts before the reader opens, a wealth of light can be seen in the shadow of the yago school and arganic pearl, the archaic mythalagic and Christian float, and the dachshund of the ancient shtozen These are the most important lives of all the people who suffer from pain, emotions, greed and nedahopamі.
The traditional culture of Belarus is distinguished among the wider European culture.
Броўка, П. Выбраныя творы / Пятрусь Броўка, Пятро Глебка ; [навуковы рэд. Я. А. Гарадніцкі ; уклад., пасляслоўе, камент. Ю. А. Масарэнка]. — Мінск : Мастацкая літаратура, 2023. — 662, [1] с. — (Залатая калекцыя беларускай літаратуры : у 50 т. / Інстытут літаратуразнаўства імя Я. Купалы Нацыянальнай акадэміі навук Беларусі ; рэдкал.: І. В. Саверчанка [і інш.] ; т. 25).
ISBN 978-985-02-2179-7
У чарговы, 25-ы, том серыі «Залатая калекцыя беларускай літаратуры» ўвайшлі выбраныя творы двух выдатных паэтаў ХХ стагоддзя – вершы і паэмы Петруся Броўкі (1905 – 1980) і Пятра Глебкі (1905 – 1969). Прадстаўленыя тэксты даюць дастаткова выразнае ўяўленне пра станаўленне, развіццё і адметнасць іх творчых індывідуальнасцей.
Vygonnaya, L. Ts. Fanetyka rodnaga words: selected practices / L. Ts. Vygonnaya; styling: V. P. Rusak [i.e.]; National acad. Sciences of Belarus, Center for Research. Belarus. culture, language and literature, Yakub Kolas Institute of Language and Science. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 393 p.
ISBN 978-985-08-2995-5.
The collection contains selected examples from the doctor of philalagic sciences L. Ts. Vygonaya on current problems of fanatics, fanology, intanatsiy and natsi and the current Belarusian literary language, examining the attempted transfers of Gukovo I build language with arphagraphy and punctuation. The materials of the collection will be published in connection with the sacred torture of the formation and development of Belarusian language, the creation of abagulnal works of fanetytsy and fanalogies of Belarusian literary language, and the working practice of Belarusian literature. .
Addressed to scholars, graduates, graduate students, master's students, students, school mentors.
Vyalik pyasnyar of the Belarusian people Yakub Kolas – adzin sa svaralnika of the current Belarusian literary language: zb. navuk. art. / National acad. Sciences of Belarus, Center for Research. Belarus. culture, language and literature, Yakub Kolas Institute of Language and Science. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 340 pp.: ill.
Bornik navukovah artikulas are highlighted on the 140th anniversary of Yakub Kolas’s birthday. I examine the tortures associated with the pharmaceutical national mascotism of Belarus, the development of genre forms, the identification of current Belarusian literary language, and the discovery of pharmaceutical technologies in linguistics. practical people.
It will be useful for linguists, scholars, editors, mentors, students and graduate students, and for a wide range of readers, which results from the torture of knowledge.
Gruntov, S. U. Forgotten expedition of 1923: for the extraction of academic ethnography in Belarus: album-manography / Syarhei Gruntov, Yanina Grynevich, Nadzeya Sauchanka. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 216 p.
ISBN 978-985-08-3074-6.
The book covers the learned history of historical events and the legality of the ethnographic expedition of 1923, which was organized by the Inbelcults and the Archives. The exhibits collected by her were exhibited in the Belarusian pavilion of the First U.S. Rural Garden and Handicraft Exhibitions in Muskva, and later became the main ethnographic exhibit of the Belarusian State Museum. The main issue consists of 59 photographs from expeditions that are in the collections of the National Historical Museum of the Republic of Belarus. Tsalkam yana publish the ўpershynyu, and the skins of the folds are heated up kamentar. The princess has historical arrangements and legal expeditions, historical exhibitions and the Belarusian pavilion. In this regard, biographical studies are presented from the expeditions M. Myaleshki, A. Shlyubskaga, M. Azbukin and L. Dashkevich and look at the development of Belarusian ethnography and folk art 1 920th – a batch of the 1930s. The issued document is important on the materials of the National Archive of the Republic of Belarus and in publications from the same periodicals. The book was archived for the 100th year of the expedition.
The album-manograph will be useful to ethnologists, historians, masters of history, local historians, and a wide range of people who read Belarusian history and cultures.
Gruntov, S. U. Phatagraphy and culture of memory in Belarus from the other half of the 19th century to the beginning of the 21st century. / S. U. Gruntov. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 189 pp.: ill.
ISBN 978-985-08-2979-5.
The managraphy explores and analyzes the connections between photographs and cultures of capture and translation of memories in Belarus. Photographs and family photographs are viewed directly through the lens of current humanitarian memories. Particular attention is paid to the formation of photo-haze in high-grade interiors. The princess has all the important periods of production, expansion and employment of the traditional agricultural industry in Belarus; the early stages of the historical overarching literature are reconstructed and the main trends in current developments are revealed; A wide range of visual benefits have been uncovered from the collection of Belarusian museums, private artifacts, and a wide range of ethnographic materials collected from the public.
This is due to ethnologists, historians, masters, local historians and genealogists, as well as a wide range of readings, which means the local collection of family photographs.
Spiritual-cultural culture of Garadok region: with electronic datasheets / styling: T. K. Tsyapkova, G. I. Tsyapkova; padrykht. audiyadyska I. A. Vasilieva. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 484 p.: ill. + 1 electron. Apt. dysk (CD=ROM). – (Falklore of our land).
ISBN 978-985-08-3002-9.
The book contains folklore and ethnographic materials collected from the Garadotsky district of the Viciebsk region from the other half of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century. They take advantage of all the rich traditional culture of the Garadian region: calendar and family abrass, pasta literature, traditional practices, traditional traditions and others.
It is addressed to folklore scholars, ethnographers, dialectologists, local scholars, socialists, philosophers, workers of cultural institutions and educational spheres, as well as to a wide range of people who are involved in folk traditions.
Yes, the books are available in compact searches, in which the collected songs are distributed to the living people.
Zhystseva forests of Branislav Taraszkiewicz (1892–1938) / National acad. Sciences of Belarus, Center for Research. Belarus. culture, language and literature, Institute of Movaznastva named after Yakub Kolas; styling: L. A. Likhadzievskaya, V. P. Rusak, V. L. Tatur; navuk. ed. V. P. Rusak. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 330 p.: ill.
ISBN 978-985-08-3015-9.
Issued in honor of academician B. A. Tarashkevich - the most exuberant Belarusian linguist, scholar, translator and gramadian of the first palov of the 20th century, which is the most prominent in the history of Belarusian linguistics in the past Everything is like the first normative “Belarusian grammar for schools” and the distribution of basic principles and systems of arphagraphic norms of the current Belarusian literary language. Issued with archival documents, most of them from other superiors.
Addressed to linguists, editors, mentors, graduate students, and also to a wide range of readers, as it relates to the attempts of linguistic knowledge and history.
Kvilinkova, E. N. Gagauz in Moldova and Belarus: facets of identity and strategy of self-preservation / E. N. Kvilinkova. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 383 p.
ISBN 978-985-08-2958-0.
This monograph is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of the Gagauz ethnic group. It is the first transdisciplinary study in which the Gagauz ethnic group is analyzed on the basis of approaches, methods and materials used in ethnology, sociology and political science. The vectors of Gagauzia's foreign policy strategy and cultural and civilizational guidelines, as well as ways to preserve cultural heritage, are considered. In this work, for the first time in Belarusian ethnology and Gagauz studies, the Gagauz people of Belarus are studied. Based on extensive field material, the adaptation experience inherent in the Gagauz people is shown. The contribution made by the Gagauz people to the socio-economic development of Belarus is noted.
The book is intended for ethnologists, historians, sociologists and political scientists, as well as a wide range of readers.
Легенды і паданні зямлі Беларускай. Чаму каты з мышамі не сябруюць : легенды пра жывёл : для сярэд. і старэйш. шк. узросту / склад. : А. М. Боганева, Т.В. Валодзіна ; маст. М. А. Сурмачэўскі. — Минск : Беларусь, 2023. — 47 с. : іл. — (Легенды і паданні зямлі беларускай)
ISBN 978-985-01-1676-5.
У кнізе серыі “Легенды і паданні зямлі беларускай” сабраны народныя легенды, якія апавядаюць пра ўзнікненне асобных жывёл (мядзведзя, воўка, казы, вожыка і іншых), а таксама тлумачаць тыя ці іншыя асаблівасці іх паводзін і знешняга выгляду – чаму мядзведзь касалапы, а ў зайца хвост кароткі. Тэксты адаптаваны для сучаснага чытача ў адпаведнасці з нормамі беларускай літаратурнай мовы, але выкладзены з захаваннем іх адметнага размоўнага стылю.
Выданне будзе цікавым усім, хто неабыякавы да фальклорнай спадчыны Беларусі.
Lokotko, A. I. In honor of the One who gave us light: an album of watercolors / A. I. Lokotko. – Minsk: Belaruskaya Navuka, 2023. – 143 p.: ill.
ISBN 978-985-08-3007-4.
The album contains watercolors of monumental architecture of Belarus and European countries, made by the author based on materials from expeditions and trips in the 1980s–2000s.
Addressed to a wide range of readers interested in historical and cultural heritage and fine arts.
Lokotko, A. I. History of formation and modern appearance of the Belarusian village / A. I. Lokotko, I. G. Malkov, I. I. Malkov; National acad. Sciences of Belarus, Research Center Belarusian culture, language or T. – Minsk: Belaruskaya Navuka, 2023. – 255 p.: ill.
ISBN 978-985-08-2974-0.
The monograph examines the history of the formation of the Belarusian village from the beginning of the twentieth century. to this day. The path to the formation of architectural and planning solutions for rural settlements of the republic is shown. Particular emphasis is placed on the architecture of agricultural towns, which are currently the main type of rural settlements, and issues of the architectural formation of their residential and industrial zones are highlighted. Illustrative material is widely presented, giving a complete picture of the architecture of modern villages in Belarus.
Addressed to architects, designers, teachers and students of architectural educational institutions, as well as anyone interested in the history of the formation of the architecture of the Belarusian village.
Lyubanshchyna on the history of culture of Belarus: collection. navuk. art. / National acad. Sciences of Belarus, Center for Research. Belarus. cult., language and literature, Institute of Movaznastva named after Yakub Kolas; navuk. ed.: I. L. Kapylov, T. M. Damashevich; adk. ed.: V. U. Mitskevich, Yu. V. Malitsky. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 424 p.
ISBN 978-985-08-3019-7.
The collection includes articles, mainly from regional materials, which highlight current research in the field of linguistics, literary studies, history and cultural life of Lyubanshchyna.
Differed in wide stakes.
Mdivani, T. G. Musical culture of Gomel at the end of the 18th – beginning of the 21st centuries. / T. G. Mdivani, E. P. Kurtenok; National acad. Sciences of Belarus, Research Center Belarusian culture, language and lit., Institute of Art History, Ethnography and Folklore named after. K. Nettles; scientific ed. A. I. Lokotko. – Minsk: Belaruskaya Navuka, 2023. – 209 p.: ill.
ISBN 978-985-08-3069-2.
The publication explores the musical culture of Gomel in all spheres of its manifestation - musical education, composing, concert practice, artistic criticism and educational activities, as well as at all stages of its historical development. For the first time, the musical society of Gomel is considered as an integral multidimensional phenomenon, an integral part of the national musical culture, which forms the context for the Russian and Western European artistic heritage.
Addressed to professional musicians and music lovers.
Мележ, І. П. Творы / Іван Мележ ; навуковы рэд. І. В. Саверчанка [уклад., камент. Я. Гарадніцкага]. — Мінск : Мастацкая літаратура, 2023. — 532, [2] с. — (Залатая калекцыя беларускай літаратуры : у 50 т. / Інстытут літаратуразнаўства імя Я. Купалы Нацыянальнай акадэміі навук Беларусі ; рэдкал.: І. В. Саверчанка [і інш.] ; т. 26).
ISBN 978-985-02-2202-2.
У 26-ы том серыі «Залатая калекцыя беларускай літаратуры» ўвайшлі самы знаменіты раман народнага пісьменніка Беларусі Івана Мележа (1921-1976) “Людзі на балоце”, аповесць “Дом пад сонцам”, а таксама шэраг апавяданняў.
Meshkov, R.V. Festive traditions of the Jews of Belarus in the second half of the 20th - early 21st centuries / R.V. Meshkov. – Minsk: Belaruskaya Navuka, 2023. – 175 p.: ill. – (The world through the eyes of an ethnologist).
ISBN 978-985-08-3005-0.
The book presents the features of Jewish holiday traditions in Belarus in the second half of the 20th - early 21st centuries, Jewish holidays and fasts of the annual cycle, family and social traditions.
The book will be of interest to historians, ethnologists, religious scholars, students and a wide range of readers who are interested in the history and culture of Jews in Belarus.
Mikulich, M. U. Maxim Tank. Asoba, peziya, forest / Mikola Mikulich; navuk. ed.: U. V. Gnilameda. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 499 p., [21] l. il.
ISBN 978-985-08-3033-3.
The book has the following life and creativity of M. Tank as a cultural phenomenon, one of the most powerful and brightest talents in the history of Belarusian literature; the development of the process of pharmaceuticals and the development of the creative people of the world – the revaluator, the smart man, the patriot, the humanist; Identifies the role and significance of traditional national folklore and literary classics in this process; reveals the spiritual-philosophical administration of the nature of the path, the depth and argygnality of the idea-mastatskaga discourse, the specificity of the creative mastermind.
Addressed to literary scholars, scholars and students of VNU, mentors and everyone who appreciates the Belarusian intellectual-creative nature.
Narys on the history of Belarusian literature / G. M. Kislitsyna [int.]; navuk. ed. G. M. Kislitsyna; National acad. Sciences of Belarus, Center for Research. Belarus. culture, language and literature, Institute of Literature and Science named after Yanka Kupala. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 402 p.
ISBN 978-985-08-2963-4.
The following managraphy developed literary thought in Belarus during the course of two centuries: a treatise from the end of the 18th century, which laid out aesthetic programs for classicism and sentimentality. izmu, yes sunny pratz, which characterizes the interdisciplinarity, the genre of diversification, the search for new metadalagic steps and daily technical tax. Asensus of the production of literature and literature in the 19th century, our period, the 1920s. We analyze the decline of the academic school of Belarusian literature, which achieved its greatest prosperity in the 1960s–80s. Revealing the main trends and advanced trends in literature and the secrets of the 1990s. from the first decades of the XXI century.
Addressed to specialists in the field of literature, cultural studies and other humanities, researchers and students of philological faculties.
Nenadavets, A. M. Foggy memory / A. M. Nenadavets, J. A. Nenadavets. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 239 p.: ill. – (Tradytsyyny lad zhytstya).
ISBN 978-985-08-2968-9.
The book analyzes the history of mythology, literary and literary creativity of Belarus, which has significant foreign stones, and the same meta-arity of our products. I remember the shmatlikaya tsikavye news about the hour of discovery, that is, as people from living sources, pastupova ivahodzil and the spiritual memory of the people of stone, which are jumpy and original Legends and stories, tales and songs were featured in our sales.
Significant for workers in educational and cultural settings, graduates of higher and secondary schools, graduate and undergraduate students, and those who work in the dark world.
Russian-Belarusian systematic semantic dictionary. In 2 vols. T. 1 / National acad. Sciences of Belarus, Research Center Belarusian culture, language and literature, Institute of Linguistics named after. Yakub Kolas; comp.: N.V. Lavrinovich [and others]; scientific ed.: O. M. Nikolaeva. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 1103 p.
ISBN 978-985-08-2941-2.
The publication is the first domestic experience in compiling a translation dictionary of the original type, which shows the interlingual relationship between Russian and Belarusian lexical correspondences, which, on the basis of a common semantic feature, are included in the lexical-semantic fields of the geographical landscape, movement without movement, sound, movement in space, weather, speech, colors, emotions, representing the most important areas of human life. The dictionary includes the names of phenomena and objects, their characteristics, as well as processes and actions. The dictionary material provides the opportunity to select the most accurate interlingual equivalent.
Intended for lexicographers and linguists in the field of lexical semantics, it may be of interest to teachers, graduate students, and students of philological specialties.
Russian-Belarusian systematic semantic dictionary. In 2 vols. T. 2 / National acad. Sciences of Belarus, Research Center Belarusian culture, language and literature, Institute of Linguistics named after. Yakub Kolas; comp.: O. G. Vankevich, I. V. Elyntseva, I. V. Kondratenya [and others]; scientific ed. O. M. Nikolaeva. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 1223 p.
ISBN 978-985-08-3009-8.
The publication is the first domestic experience in compiling a translation dictionary of the original type, which shows the interlingual relationship between Russian and Belarusian lexical correspondences, which, on the basis of a common semantic feature, are included in the lexical-semantic fields of the geographical landscape, movement without movement, sound, movement in space, weather, speech, colors, emotions, representing the most important areas of human life. The dictionary includes the names of phenomena and objects, their characteristics, as well as processes and actions. The dictionary material provides the opportunity to select the most accurate interlingual equivalent.
Intended for lexicographers and linguists in the field of lexical semantics, it may be of interest to teachers, graduate students, and students of philological specialties.
Salman, O. A. Newest architecture in the digital age / O. A. Salman, I. I. Balunenko; Research Center Belarusian culture, language and literature. – Minsk: Belaruskaya Navuka, 2023. – 132 p.: [14] l. ill.
ISBN 978-985-08-2976-4.
The monograph reflects trends in world architecture of the last quarter of the 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries. in the context of the information society culture. The authors reveal the mechanism of influence of computer software on architectural design and the features of digital design technologies in comparison with analog ones. Digitalization of architectural form-making is considered as a contradictory phenomenon, both enriching and limiting the imagination of the architect. The monograph examines the main directions and trends in the evolution of the latest architecture of Belarus in the context of experimental directions of parametric and generative design, and identifies factors influencing the principles of shape formation and the features of the artistic and stylistic design of buildings.
Intended for architects, interior designers, graphic designers, visualization artists, researchers of the latest architecture and the use of digital technologies in design, students of architectural and design disciplines.
Sahuta, Y. M. Belarusian style: traditions and modernity / Y. M. Sahuta. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 319 pp.: ill.
ISBN 978-985-08-2987-0.
Issued to the argynal, tsikavam, kalistsi davoli pashiranam, then practical to the forgotten, and sennaya adrojanam on a new level in the form of folk art - masterful expression from the paper. Adradziushy ў our hour is factual from non-fiction, expression (expression, vysriganka) in a short period of time has declared itself as an important artistic phenomenon; I work with the campaigners of various exhibitions, festivals, saints, competitions, and I am involved in kindergartens, schools, studios, ladies and educational centers, and at the highest educational institutions. In 2021, the Belarusian price is included in the Dzyarzhaina list of cultural history of the Kashtoun Republic of Belarus.
The issued documents look at and sanctify the history, the current state, the master's assemblies, the European cantext, the national administration of the Belarusian vytsinanka.
For a wide range of stakes please read.
Слоўнік новых запазычаных слоў беларускай мовы / В. І. Уласевіч, Н. М. Даўгулевіч. — Мінск : Беларусь, 2023. — 174, [1] с. ; 25 см. — На пераплёце аўтары не паказаны. — Бібліяграфія с. 175.
ISBN 978-985-01-1695-6
У слоўніку прадстаўлена запазычаная лексіка, якая з’явілася ў беларускай мове ў пачатку ХХІ ст. і актыўна выкарыстоўваецца СМІ. У некаторых выпадках фіксуюцца словы, якія былі запазычаны ў больш ранні перыяд (у канцы ХХ ст.), зафіксаваны ў слоўніках новых слоў беларускай мовы, але не згубілі адценне навізны ў наш час.
Адрасуецца выкладчыкам, студэнтам, настаўнікам, работнікам друку, радыё і тэлебачання, перакладчыкам, а таксама ўсім тым, хто цікавіцца беларускай мовай.
Staubtsoўshchyna on the history-cultural culture of Belarus: zb. navuk. art. / National acad. Sciences of Belarus, Center for Research. Belarus. cult., language and literature, Institute of Movaznastva named after Yakub Kolas, Institute of History; styling: A. B. Doinar, V. U. Mitskevich; navuk. ed. V. U. Mitskevich. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 293 pp.: ill. – (Belarus is a direct regional history).
ISBN 978-985-08-2973-3.
The collection includes reports from the Educational and Practical Conference “Staubtsovshchyna – Historical and Cultural Decline of the Nadnemansk Region” (Stoubtsy, 27 Kastrychnika 2016) and the Republic educational-practical seminar, an example of the Year of the Small Radzima, “Staubtsoushchyna on the historical-cultural culture of Belarus” (Stoubtsy, March 20, 2019). The reports on regional materials highlight current research in the galaxy of history, literature, culture of the region, and examine the various assemblies of Staubtsovshchyny.
Differed in wide stakes.
The creative decline of Yanka Kupala and Yakub Kolas in the era of information technologies: collection. navuk. art.: yes 140-year-old from the day naradzhennya classic Belarus. years / style A. A. Mankevich; editor: A. A. Baranovski [i insh.]; National acad. Sciences of Belarus, Center for Research. Belarus. culture, language and literature, Institute of Literature and Science named after Y. Kupala. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 281 p.
ISBN 978-985-08-3081-4.
The materials in the collection of works by Y. Kupala and Y. Kolas follow the evidence of modern science. A large number of problems are revealed. The role that is important and ongoing in the decline of folk writing in the national and everyday literatures is reaching new levels.
The issue was prepared by educational and educational-pedagogical institutions in the development of courses, special seminars and lessons on Belarusian literature of the 20th century, as well as a wide range of readings, which is the result Thanks to torture, the development of native literature.
Traditional light of Belarus. U 5 kn. Book 1. Casmalogy / National acad. Sciences of Belarus, Institute of Philosophy; way of life and agul. ed.: I. M. Dubyanetskaya, S. I. Sanko; aut. text: T. V. Valodzina [int.]; Mast. M. S. Khrapavitsky; kaardynatar project A. A. Lazarevich. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 87 pp.: ill.
ISBN 978-985-08-2972-6.
The first book has gray and five illustrated books, highlighting key themes, images and concepts of the traditional world in the view of Belarus, the history of the past, the structure of the living dynasty Chalavechay supolnastsi, right around the clock.
Adrasavana shirokamu kola chitachou.
Traditional light of Belarus. U 5 kn. Book 2. Sphere of sacred naga. Folk theology / National acad. Sciences of Belarus, Institute of Philosophy; way of life and agul. ed.: I. M. Dubyanetskaya, S. I. Sanko; aut. text: T. V. Valodzina [int.]; Mast. M. S. Khrapavitsky; The idea of the project by U. R. Gusakov; kaardynatar project A. A. Lazarevich. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 92 p.: ill.
ISBN 978-985-08-3059-3.
In another gray book, illuminating the key themes, images and concepts of the traditional world in the eyes of Belarus, the havorka іdze is right for the dimension of the sacred sphere of the chalavechag to inform, God and the world of light, the memory of the Gods and the world benches, elements of faith and cult.
Adrasavana shirokamu kola chitachou.
Trafimchyk, A. V. Mastatska - the realism of Yakub Kolas’s poem “New Land” is imaginary / A. V. Trafimchyk; National acad. Sciences of Belarus, Center for Research. Belarus. culture, language and literature, Institute of Literature and Science named after Yanka Kupala. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 124 pp.: ill.
ISBN 978-985-08-3077-7.
The paema of Yakub Kolas “New Land” has been read for several years. The most raspaўsyudzhanae – “entsyklapedyya syalyanskaga zhytstsya.” In the present case, the argument is based on the fact that this traditional practice is not new and opens to the new, unceasing time as a special old master, and so it is for the whole. In other cases, there are discussions with the previous investigators of “New Land” and information from the very authors. Previously unexplored literature, significant approaches and poems reveal new facets of ideology and high-quality culture.
Written in real life, with elements of intrigue, the book is long-lasting and contains not only specialists, but also a wide range of readers who are loved by the master of words, Belarusian literature and the industry.
A little bit closer to the Sun, a little bit further from the Hell of the Month: Belarusian folk philosophy / T. V. Valodzina [i.e.]; way of life and agul. ed.: I. M. Dubyanetskaya, S. I. Sanko; National acad. Sciences of Belarus, Institute of Philosophy. – 3rd edition – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 481 p.
ISBN 978-985-08-2981-8.
Senior Padzen tried a systematic reconstruction of key themes, ideas and concepts of the traditional world in the opinion of Belarus, what kind of popular folk ideas and plowing and future light, absolutely and justly m the civil settlement and fundamental problems of the traditional citizenship of Belarus.
Intended for humanitarian students, and for all those who appreciate the traditional spiritual culture of Belarus.
French-Belarusian elephant scarred / National acad. Sciences of Belarus, Center for Research. Belarus. culture, language and literature, Institute of Movaznastva named after Yakub Kolas, Minsk Dzyarzh. lingv. University; styling: A. A. Zavadskaya [i.e.]; navuk. ed.: A. A. Zavadskaya, Y. V. Volkava. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 416 p.
ISBN 978-985-08-3037-1.
French-Belarusian slounik scarred soft kalia 8 thousand scarred (more for 11 thousand deciphered). Abbreviations are used in texts of different genres and can be arranged more reasonably. Slounik is called upon to raise problems with deciphering abbreviations and their adaptation to the Belarusian language.
Intended for a wide range of readers - teachers, students, specialists, who are interested in the French language in the educational, educational, vocational classes, as well as in private life.
Chorny, K. Collection of works. U 12 t. T. 1. Apaviadanni, 1921–1925 / Kuzma Chorny; navuk. ed. A. A. Vasilevich; padrykht. text and comment. A. I. Shamyakinay; National acad. navuk, Dasled Center. Belarus. culture, language and literature, Institute of Literature and Science named after Yanka Kupala. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 519 p.: ill.
ISBN 978-985-08-3021-0.
In the first volume of the Navukova kamentavanaga Collection of works of the classic of Belarusian literature by Kuzma Chornag (1900–1944) the most recent publications of 1921–1925.
Shaladonava, J. S. Prastor and Chalavek: early non-Slavic literary projects / J. S. Shaladonava. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 262 p.
ISBN 978-985-08-3086-9.
The manograph has followed the assemblies of artistic and aesthetic identification of the ancestral images in Belarusian literature and the parallel cantex of the works of Russians and Ukrainians. Reveals the borrowed-abusive connection of the past and its folds with the mental, spiritual-psychalagic, moral-ethical characteristics of the people and the people, the ways of their everyday life-realization. It is a symbolic sign of the cultural landscapes illustrated by the master of the word, reflecting the cultural status of Belarus as a reservoir of image and resource development.
Addressed to literary scholars, scholars, students and everyone else who is involved and creatively saving the world.
Shamruk, A. S. The art of architecture of the information age / A. S. Shamruk; National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Center for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature, branch of the Kondrat Krapiva Institute of Art History, Ethnography and Folklore. – Minsk: Belaruskaya Navuka, 2023. – 269 p.: ill.
ISBN 978-985-08-2957-3.
The book provides a generalized picture of artistic processes in architecture at the beginning of the 21st century and characterizes search vectors determined by the context of the information age. Conceptual ideas, form-building techniques, and expressive means of modern architecture are analyzed. The ways of addressing the archetypes of architecture, the nature of the local context, and the interpretation of the architecture of previous eras are revealed. Attention is focused on the trends of interdisciplinarity and hybridization in the development of artistic processes. Using the example of world and domestic architectural practice of recent decades, ways to implement phenomenological ideas and the expressive capabilities of light are considered; techniques for solving architectural surfaces, artistic problems in urban planning.
Intended for architects, art historians, designers and anyone interested in the problems of modern architecture.
Ethnocultural processes of the Belarusian Dnieper region (Mogilev region) in the past and present / A. Vl. Gurko [and others]; scientific ed. A. Vikt. Gurko; National acad. Sciences of Belarus, Research Center Belarusian culture, language and literature, ethnography and folklore named after. Kondrat Nettle. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023.- 463 p.
The collective work of Belarusian ethnologists gives a comprehensive understanding of ethnic history, ethnocultural traditions, ethnic processes, features of material (housing, clothing, food traditions), social (family relationships, public associations) and spiritual culture (ethno-confessional structure, calendar holidays and rituals, theatrical culture ) population of the Mogilev region. For the first time, materials from field ethnographic research and archival sources are being introduced into scientific circulation. The book is intended for historians, local historians, university students, organizers of regional tourism, and a wide range of readers interested in the history of their native land.
Yadvigin Sh. Selected creations / Yadvigin Sh.; way of life and comment. Kastusya Tsvirki; pradm. Ivana Saverchanka. – Minsk: Belarusian Science, 2023. – 524 p., [4] l. il. – (Belarusian book collection: BK. Gray I, Mastatskaya literature).
ISBN 978-985-08-2982-5.
The anatomist of the Belarusian writer Yadvigin Sh. (Anton Lyavitskaya) (1869–1922) has all the most significant works: the raman “Gold” (unfinished), apocalypse, the poem “Dzed Zavala”, “Belarusian Zharty”, gift y attacks, aspamins, artikuls , translation of the “Signal” book by Russian writer U. Garshyn.
U Dadatku padzena ўspamіny pra Yadvigіna Sh. і materials and yago biography.
One hundred and fifty volumes of the book project “Belarusian Book Collection”.